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SCSA BMFA JR XP652 Tx Weather




The South Cotswold Soaring Society.

South Gloucestershire's radio control model gliding club.


scsa.gif (14697 bytes)

Access to four slopes for virtually 360degree wind.


SCSA - The Club

Who, What, Where, When, Why

Who are we?
We are a group of around 75  club members who fly radio control gliders in the South West of England.

What do we fly?
We fly all types of r/c gliders, anything from the basic balsa models, to the fully moulded "Calypso" type models. The most popular models at the moment are the EPP flying wings, e.g. the "Zagi" or the "Wild Thing". These are fairly cheap, indestructable rubber models and are great fun to fly.

Where do we fly?
Please see the flying sites link for details

When do we fly?
Any time it's not raining! Most of the flying is done at the weekends, with Sunday morning being most popular.
The club also has a monthly meeting on every 3rd Wednesday in the month, in "The Bear" of Rodborough, 8pm in winter, 9pm in summer.(NO flying permitted in the bar!)

Why do we fly?
If you've ever flown a radio control plane you'll already know the answer!

For those of you that haven't...give it a go, then you'll know as well!



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Last modified: October 14, 2012