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Biking In Scotland
The BMW Club Garage Manoeuvres Biking In Scotland Bike Links



Loch Leven
Loch Linhe
Loch Lochy

In the first week of September 1999, we made the 450 mile trip up to the Highlands for the annual ride around Scotland.

scotland.jpg (19920 bytes)

Scotland provides some of the best motorcycling roads in the UK- great scenery, good quality road surfaces- a rarity in the UK. Always remember your waterproofs though!

The best time to go are either side of the July-September school holidays to avoid the tourists who flock to the area.

We've so far chosen Fort William as a base because it's fairly central within the Highlands- easy access to most places from Inverness to Glen Coe.

Click on the links to the left for pictures taken this year.

Perhaps next year I might just try Europe.

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